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Tune: "Seeking the Lost"(verse only)
Verse 1:
One af-ter-noon Cor-ne-lius was pray-ing
In shin-ing clothes a man then ap-peared.
"Send now to Jop-pa for Si-mon Pe-ter,
God now has words He wants you to hear."
Verse 2:
Pe-ter ar-rived with some of his breth-ren.
It was an awk-ward time for the Jews.
They had con-sid-ered Gen-tiles as un-clean,
God had a task they could not re-fuse.
Verse 3:
Pe-ter then preached and to their a-maze-ment
God's Ho-ly Spir-it fell on the crowd.
They were a-ston-ished, Pe-ter then preached
To Cor-ne-lius' fam-'ly. He said a-loud,
Verse 4:
"God has no fav-'rites. You are now cho-sen
To be His child-ren. We will re-joice.
Now be bap-tized with wa-ter," he told them.
They lis-tened and o-beyed Pe-ter's voice.
Print lyrics "Seeking the Lost"
Hear the tune "Seeking the Lost" by William A. Ogden.
(Click on "Titles", then choose "S" and scroll down until you find the song.)
You will need to "Pause" the midi at the top of the page if it is playing.
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