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Tune: "Stepping in the Light"
Verse 1:
Paul was the man who was cho-sen by Je-sus
To preach the Word to the Jews and to the Greeks.
He tra-veled through all the pro-vince of A-sia
Tell-ing them of God the One who now seeks
To-o save them through Je-sus
The Son He has sent to
Re-deem them from sin.
Now they can come in
And fel-low-ship with saints who will
Serve the Lord Je-sus.
Spir-it dwelt with-in.
Verse 2:
Some came to Paul for the heal-ing of sick-ness,
God work-ing migh-ti-ly through him each day.
Those who could not make the trip there to see him
God would pro-vide an ex-cep-tion-al way.
Friends could car-ry the hand-ker-chiefs
Paul just had touched and
Take them to the ill.
God could work and still
Their heal-ing was com-plete.
They be-lieved in the Lord and
Then with joy were filled.
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Hear the tune "Stepping in the Light"by William J. Kirkpatrick.
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