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Tune: "I Wandered in the Shades of Night"
Verse 1:
De-me-tri-us the sil-ver-smith
In Eph-e-sus one day
Be-gan to stir up trou-ble for
Paul's preach-ing of the Way.
"Lis-ten to me, fel-lows hear my call,
'There's no god-dess' says this man called Paul.
We must save Di-an-a. It is plain to see.
And our jobs are al-so now in jea-por-day."
Verse 2:
Con-fu-sion was the rule,
The peo-ple start-ed then to riot.
The cit-y clerk ad-dressed the crowd
And told them to be quiet.
He calmed them and rea-soned with them there.
Paul was safe; an ans-wer to their pray-er.
Why would an-y-one want a god that they must save?
Our God is so great. It makes us ver-y brave.
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Hear the tune "I Wandered in the Shades of Night"by Winfield S. Weeden.
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