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Tune: "A Mighty Fortress is Our God"
Verse 1:
Fe-lix, Fe-s-tus, King A-grip-pa
Paul would ap-pear be-for-e each one
To of-fer up a de-fen-se be-cause
He was in chains for God-'s own Son.
He preached to them and they
Re-spond-ed dif-'rent ways.
So pow-er-ful was he
God gave him wor-ds to say.
He rea-soned with them man-y days.
Verse 2:
Fe-lix al-rea-dy knew of the Way,
But hoped that Paul a bribe would be-stow.
When Fes-tus hear-d the charge a-gainst him
He said, "To Cae-sar yo-u will go."
A-grip-pa came with pomp
The pro-phet he would see
While Paul so bold-ly spoke
He lis-tened ca-re-ful-ly.
"With-out ap-peal Paul would have been free."
Print lyrics "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God"
Hear the tune "A Mighty Fortress is Our God" by Martin Luther.
(Click on "Titles", then choose "M" and look for "Mighty", scroll down until you find the song.)
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