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Tune: Refrain of "Brighten the Corner Where You Are"

Verse 1 :
On the first day God made the light.
He called light "day", and dark-ness "night".
Se-cond day He sep-a-ra-ted wat-ers from on high.
The space be-tween He called the "sky".

Verse 2 :
He gath-ered wat-ers in one place.
Called them the "seas" and turned His face
Up-on soil re-main-ing where some-one could stand.
He called the ground He saw the "land".

Verse 3:
Still more to do on next day three.
God made the grass and flowers and trees.
Seed with-in the fruit would grow new plants just as they should .
God saw that ev-'ry-thing was good.

Verse 4
Fourth day He made two migh-ty lights.
Sun ruled the days and moon the nights.
Stars were twink-ling in the sky; a beau-ti-ful sight!
God's great cre-a-tion is just right.

Verse 5
All things were rea-dy for day five
God made birds fly in the blue sky.
Fish swam in the o-ceans just as they still do
Great fish and small ones were there too.

Verse 6
Day six was busy as could be
God made the an-i-mals and set them free
To roam up-on the earth and make more an-i-mals too.
God is so great! We know it's true.

Verse 7
Fi-nal cre-a-tion on sixth day .
A-dam in His im-age and then God did say,
"I will make a help-er so that he won't lone-ly be.
Took Ad-am's rib and then made Eve.

Verse 8
Hea-vens and earth in their ar-ray
Were all com-ple-ted in six days.
Sev-enth day He rest-ed from the work that He had done,
All with the help of Christ His Son.

Print lyrics "Brighten the Corner Where You Are"

Hear the tune "Brighten the Corner Where You Are" by Charles H. Gabriel.
(Click on "Titles", then choose "B" and scroll down until you find the song.)
The Creation song uses the refrain only
You will need to "Pause" the midi at the top of the page if it is playing.

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This is such a beautiful and meaningful song! The message is timeless and uplifting, making it perfect for teaching and reflection.
I totally love this creation song! Can't wait to share it with the students of our school. Thank you so much from Kingsview Christian School, North Bend, OR USA.
Mark Magill
Awesome work... This has encouraged little kids to attend the sunday school each sunday with great enthusiasim. Thank you so much.. God Bless u.. Do let me know if you have books published with the same amount of information, it would be helpful to carry all over.
Ashitha Vishal
Your site is such a blessing. May God richly bless you for all your work for free. It has helped us tremendously! God Bless you
Im eight years old, and I really enjoyed the story of the creation. Thank you
This is great for kids to learn how God created this earth.
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