Thank you for allowing us to view this artwork. I do watercolors and I am making a transition to acrylics. I
love the style of Vera Griffin. I certainly would beg her to be my instructor in paintings and pastels. I will study the way she
uses blues and greens. I will acknowledge the use of contrast in her skies. I at once noticed that a rather round tree shape is
highlighted by a bright white sky in the left of the background, and a darker and richer blue is used analogous to the deep rich
green of the foliage, on the right side of the composition. She does this in several paintings with the similarities being subtle. Of
course we can assume that the bluebonnet paintings were done within a two year period, but this thing that I speak of in the sky
is such a natural flowing motion in all of her landscapes. Wow! I hope these pages stay on the web for some time. They are in
my favorite file. God bless you, Bob
Bob, Ohio
Jo Ella, Ohio
I think your mom's paintings are just
beautiful. I would love to use them on my computer.
Joan, Arizona
I thoroughly enjoyed seeing your mothers paintings and
loved reading the story of your family. Sounded so warm and loving.
Mary, Florida
Your Mother's story is just wonderful, and her paintings are beautiful. The Castles
have always been my favorites.
Ida, Texas
I sure enjoyed your mother's paintings. Loved the country ones with flowers and children. I also like the grape
background. I think it's so special that you use that on your page.
Elaine, Illinois
I went to your site and viewed
your mothers beautiful paintings...just GORGEOUS! These are just awe-inspiring!
Peggy Lynn (Roses of Sharon)
I chanced to come across the
paintings of Ms. Griffin. I can certainly appreciate why
the family treasures them. I enjoyed her bluebonnet
series, particularly. What wonderful skill in depicting
the beauty of her own soul. I detect, too, a light that
shines and warms from deep within them. May the
warm light that comes forth from the art also shine
on Ms. Griffin.
We are working on our newest collection and have decided to make
it entirely from your mother's paintings. Because of the wide
variety of style and content we are naming the collection
"Eclectica: Art of Vera Griffin"
Darcy at Cloudeight
I wanted to email you and tell you how Absolutely Beautiful! Vera's
paintings are. She was talented, indeed.
There was one picture in the Bluebonnet series that I clicked out and my
breath was litterally taken away. It is the middle picture bottom row.
"Bluebonnets" There before my eyes was the most beautiful tree. I don't
know if you have ever closely looked at her paintings but in this tree are
to large eyes peering towards heaven. I must admit..I was breathless as the
tears clouded my eyes. I then went back and looked at her paintings in a
completely, more Awe-inspiring way. As I viewed her paintings I knew that a
heavenly control was in the hand of this blessed entity named Vera Griffin.
It is like the creator sent her to paint what so many fail to see. We see
paintings of angels and heavenly sights, but, if you look, you will see the
supernatural within her paintings. Gentle and subtle. Ever present yet not
seen by many. If you have not had the pleasure of this gift of her insight,
I hope this will inspire you to look closer and deeper at the wonderful
entity that Vera Griffin was and is. I just had to share this, hope it is
not written in vain. I wish the pictures that were enlarged clearer or even
smaller for more definition. I certainly will pass this site on to all my
friends and family whom appreciate the creator and beautiful earth angels
like Vera.