Comments |
Art Slideshows
Excellent page on short power point presentations. Thank you for all
you do to make school a better day.
Lee |
Susan B. Anthony
The Ten Commandments
If I want to download the slideshow,how I should do it?
child of God
The slideshows cannot be downloaded, but they can be purchased from Gospel Services .
Abraham Lincoln
This helped me with my resurch alot!!thanks(:
Lindsie |
Deborah Sampson
Niceee. I'm doing a project. Ahahaha. xD
Helen Keller
i feel bad for her
Deborah Sampson
thanks for the info i have to write an essay on her!!!!
total fun NOT!!!
Wilma Rudolph
thanks i am doing a project on her and i waited till yhe last minute. When
i found this site i was so relieved. i think i'll get an A+++
Kat |
God Richly Bless You All. I am really inspired by the lessons. I teach a
group of children at church and the puzzles,and quizzes really help a lot.
Akosua |
Rosa Parks
rosa parks insipire me as i was growin up her story tought me how to always
stand up for what i think is right. and never be ashamed for what i belive
thtas why i give her props. thank you rosa parks
cedericka |
Cesar Chavez
Thank you for your information on C. Chavez. I appreciate the focus on his
upbringing and character.
Logic and Wisdom
i don't think that sounds right about "brothers and sisters I have
none. . ." love the site tho
donna |
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
I love your site - especially the wonderful novel studies. I have used it
many times and pass it on to my colleagues.
Sue |
Annie Oakley
My name is Annie 2 so i did a research paper on her and this article is
very accurate and useful.
Annie |
John F. Kennedy
how did he die
lynn |
Harriet Tubman
where are the credits!
Look here and
you should find all the information you need.
Wilma Rudolph
I really am interested about Wilma Rudolph. i am in the 9 grade and this is
actually something that really has my attention and i think many other
teens should really take into consideration of learning the past.
Kayla Carpenter |
Helen Keller
i love helen keller
j |
Helen Keller
help me, i do report and need help tank you
The Creation
Hi,my name is Alexander I am 32,I am from Ukraine I study the bible,
English and Philosophy,I thank you for this site it help me to study
English and to know better about God the father.
Alexander |