Comments |
George Washington Carver
He was Born In 1864
Josh |
Christopher Columbus
. |
Barack Obama
obama blah
bobhail9 |
Albert Einstein
thanks now i have stuff for my report
bobhail9 |
Helen Keller
Sarah u in 7th grade?
Barack Obama
i really don't like obama and i think that mcain would have been a much
better president
matty |
Laura Ingalls Wilder
this is a great web site. I never even knew half the things on this page.
It really helped me. thank you.
matty |
Abraham Lincoln
its very nice!!!!!!!!!!
shane |
Martin Luther King Jr.
this was very helpful
Jonathan |
Helen Keller
I'm doing a project about Helen in my class. We have to make awards,
hers is going to be 'Most courageous and Inspiring'.
jenna |
Thomas A. Edison
Wonderful article about Edison and it really helped my son on his project.
Great job.
M J Smith |
Helen Keller
I am doing a speech on Helen Keller in my class.
Sarah |
Martin Luther King Jr.
thanks for all of the info it is really helpful
ryan gray |
Helen Keller
helen is my hero (:
viviana |
Henry Ford
I loved this page. My 7 year old son has to do a book report and we were
snowed in this weekend and didnt have a way to make it to the library and
today everything is practically shut down. Your website is easy to read
and informative and has all the right information for a 7 year old to read
and understand.
Sharen Anderson |
Martin Luther King Jr.
What organization sponsored this site?
No organization. Garden of is a website owned and managed by
Patsy Stevens, retired teacher.
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thanks so much for helping people learn how to play musical instruments
free of charge. It is refreshing to see that some people still care enough
to help others this way. I always tell my husband that the only thing free
these days is our Lord Jesus. May you be blessed largely.
martina |
Keyboard and Music Theory
lovely site
keira |
Barack Obama
President Obama is way better than McCain and its good he got elected
'cause McCain was old, fat, stupid, and cant even lift his arms above
his head. And by the way, man, the reason they didnt include Bush is he is
a total moron
Liam |
Bible Based Spelling Lessons
this page is truly an inspiration. I am a homeschooling mom of 8 and have
several different age groups and we have thoroughly enjoyed the resources
you have included for the rest of us to use. May God continue to bless and
guide you...
melisa |