Comments |
Paul in Damascus
What a wonderful website!! These lessons are great. I teach Sunday
School at a very small church so these are perfect. Iwas wondering which
direction to go in next and the Travels of Paul seems like a great idea.The
writings of Paul mean so much to us so it will be great to share his
ministry with my class. I expect to learn a lot along the way as well. I
hope things are going well for Murray. Love and Prayers.
Denise TN |
Booker T. Washington
Thank you for all of yours useful information that I needed to help my
niece with her project. I will recommend this this site to all of my
friends. I think God and you for this web site.
Davis Family |
Keys to a Successful Marriage
This sight was a port in the storm.
Creation Memory Pegs
My children and I Have enjoyed these lessons and I thank you so much. They
have helped them learn the stories of the bible and enjoy learning them at
the same time.
Sis. Vanessa Hill |
thanks for the resources.
William Worsley |
User Administration
I praise God for this website! These materials will help me engage my
class and provide variety. Thanks a bunch! Lisa Harrell
User Administration
I like the Garden and Praise page it is wonderful
The Creation
I thank God so much for using you to simplify the message of the Bible, of
the Gospel not just for kids but for us adults too! This is a
wonderful resource and it is blessing me and helping me and the kids in my
ministry of Sunday school. God bless you and increase you and uplift,
inspire and encourage you in Him through our Lord Jesus Christ : )
Sophie |
The Beatitudes
User Administration
Thank-you for this Awesome website
Cyrus McCormick
This page is awesome <(0.0)> :D
George Washington Carver
Sheesh, i thought this page was very helpful, and thanks all people who
contributed, and I got a very good grade, so thank you. You don't have
to be so mean unnamed person.
Bill |
User Administration
Leslie |
Keyboard and Music Theory
I believe in God, and, I believe you are providing a great service. The
Keyboard Lessons are helping me read music. Thank you.
Roger |
Christopher Columbus
This is a great site. I used it in my computer lab to teach Grade 2-4
students research. They also learned to follow directions by reading the
questions on your worksheet. Thanks!
David and Goliath
very good help for my homework
Christopher Columbus
Wow! Thanks so much! I homeschool and forgot about Columbus Day.
I went searching for worksheets and came across your site. I will use it
regularly as a homeschool resource! Thanks again!
Crystal |
Song of Joseph
jesus is my idol! he's awesome! that song you wrote is just
inspritional! it's one of my favorite songs. other than the awesome
mary |
Christopher Columbus
this helped me a lot because i had to write a whole summary about
Christopher Columbus.I love this website.Thanks a lot.
Alyssa |
Jesus Cleanses the Temple
I think these are wonderful lessons. I have been using them for Sunday
School. I love their activities. Do you have the kids' songs in CD?
Let me know. God bless you and thanks
Aida Santana |