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Praise God and Give him Glory to the highest, that he gifted the person who did all of these wonderful lessons and tools to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to our Children.May God Bless you and your family always. You really have no idea how many children and teachers this site is blessing and will bless. Thank you for allowing God to use you and your talents in this mighty way.
Love in Christ, Angela Mcilvain Wake Forest NC July 4th 2010. God Bless America!
Angela Mcilvain
Song of Elijah
I am very grateful for the ideas you have. I pray that the Lord will bless you for allowing yourselves to be used in such a mighty way so that our children enjoy learning about the love of the Lord. The Lord bless and enrich you more and more
Song of Heavenl
WOW!!! what fun and unique songs - love these! Couldn't get alive again to load - thank you for creating such a blessed site! BE BLESSED!!
Noahs Wife
thanks for this helps me a lot on my teaching in Christian Education here in our School..God bless this site..
The Creation
Milton, God loves everyone. No matter what you have done in the past, God will forgive you of any and everything, as long as you accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior and are baptized into Christ. What's done is done. Start now seeking God and Christ and a relationship with them.
The Twelve Spies
This is a one stop shop for every teacher or parent who is serious about their children,s spiritual knowledge and growth. God Bless you indeed and increase you.
The Creation
I have done awful things over the past and i wanted to know what could i do to go to heaven and what do i have to do so God can accept me.
This story is very useful to understang God better!!
oh my gosh!! i am a childrens minister and i am always looking for ways to keep everything fresh for them..I FOUND IT! I never knew someone could be so kind to do thios as i run my ministry with no money except my ss and this is truely GODS WORK..God Bless You!!
phyllis wheeler..minister
Keyboard and Music Theory
thnx...for the an indian n i thank u from deep of ma heart ...i know how to play indian style (sa re ga ma pa da ni sa) bt i just want to knoe abt this system n got help
thank one more n keep up wid this grt work
Ascension Song
You made my day.Garden of praise,keep the good work.
Godson Edem
The Creation
We are starting a Children's Church Service at our church on Sunday mornings. I've had the good fortune to be accepted as the teacher of it and I feel like this site will come in handy again and again. Thank you so much for the work you've done to create this site and allowing it to be free! God bless you!
The Creation
We are a homeschooling family and this site is wonderful. I just found it and can't seem to pull myself away at 2 am. I am so excited about starting the Bible lessons and activities. Thank you so much for all the hard work put into this. It's a blessing for our family.
Elizabeth, Mother of John
Yes i had recieved an email from you saying to go to but i dont know where to go. I also need to know how do i take out my bad sins.
Pharaoh's Daughter
I hope that God will forgive my bad sins and if he does forgive me hoe do i know he did please i need your help.
Thank you for the hard work you've put into creating such a valuable site! It's awesome! I will use these stories with my godson and his sister when we go on vacation together this summer! There will be many opportunities to use these resources in the future as well! Again I thank you!
Pam Hostetter
The Ten Commandments
This isa real good page of the ten commandments. Iam wondering how can i forward this to my friend in ghana africa
michael morley
The Twelve Spies
How wonderful to be able to use the internet to find such an awesome website. I teach kindergarten age children in the preschool dept. of my church. Your website is so helpful!
Helen Keller
this page is really very good. i appreciate your effort. then too, i n my frnds felt that it was a bit missing. thank u.
Keys to a Successful Marriage
This is a great page. My husband an i abstained before we got married He was 46 and i 35 when we got married. So many people told me i would have to compromise because of my age to encourage men but thank God i stood my ground. Indeed there is respect and love and the eagerness to please each other in our marriage we are best friends and yesterday was our 1st annoversary.

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