Comments |
Annie Oakley
I am writing a research paper on Annie Oakley and I need to know the author
of this article, the publishing company, where it was published, and when
it was written.
George Washington Carver
i am so thankful for this page because it helped me on my report about him.
Ren Bren |
Clara Barton
This websie is a really nice! It teaches about American heros and
Jesus! But, for my report we needed the author for each article...maybe
it can be a little bit easier to find.
Eina |
Paul Visits Corinth
I am so much thankful to you for your wonderful and priceless effort
through this website.... it is so helpful in our Sunday school teaching.
God Bless you a lot
uzma |
A Beautiful World by Grandma Moses
her life is awsome
maxx |
Bible Stories
Do you have New Testament Bible Stories in English, in small book form such
as a meal for many?
Ann Jordan |
God's Exquisite Garden Inspirational Bible Lessons
This website is so wonderful to aid in my teaching the Ladies Sunday School
at my church. Thank you so much for all the hard work that went into each
lesson. Now I can just meditate on those scriptures and utilize the great
layout of each lesson to have a very rich lesson. You are truly reaching
many with the gospel. I know I will utilize this resource again and again.
Catherine |
Philip, the Evangelist
This has become the best site for me. I teach a small group of kids at
church. This site has really helped me. Thank you
George Washington Carver
some stuff was good.
jam |
Clara Barton
Im doing a research paper on clarissa barton and this site helped me a
Cassi |
Thanks for being a blessing! I have been looking for a site with all of
these things!
Caroll |
Miracles of Jesus
This site is great thank-u so much we needed ideas and did not have the
budget to finance materials, God Bless U and Thankx again...
Teri |
Ten Commandments, Memory Pegs
THANK YOU, for creating this site. I am new minister/sunday school teacher
of our youth 9-12. I found out this past Sunday that they did not know the
10 Commandments. I did a search and your site was the 8th one I tried and
I found all that I needed here. AMEN. The information and tools provided
are simple and easy to relate to the children. I'm so excited about
going to bible study tonight to teach this.
Lydia |
Stephen, the First Martyr
I am so thankful for this website and the materials available to all. May
God bless you for your efforts and selflessness in sharing freely with
everyone. Thank You!!!!
George Washington Carver
I thought the info was good. bannana
Annie Oakley
Her nickname was,
Anna |
The Ten Commandments
Thanks for all the literature. These days it is hard to find good relevant
materials for our children. I am grateful for your ministry. May God
bless you....
Matina Taylor |
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank you... This site was extremely helpful. It answered a lot of my
Marie Curie
I would just like to say thank-you, i have a project essay in Science
and this information has helped me alot and made me more knowledgable.
Thanks again
Isabella |
I love this site!!!
Sara |