BY B.W. LEADER, R.A. (1831 or 1833-1923)
Mr. Leader's method of work is interesting. Having got his idea, he considers the manner of treatment and then makes a small sketch in colour, measuring about eighteen inches by ten or twelve. Sometimes this is followed by one or two more similar studies, and when the preliminary sketch is satisfactory the artist takes a five-foot canvas, if the picture is an important one, and makes a careful study in monochrome of the light and shade only. Work on the actual picture is then begun, and as a rule this is accomplished without any alterations.
It is interesting to recall the fact that Mr. Leader's father was the Chief Engineer to the Severn Commissioners, and that the future Royal Academician was destined for the same profession, like his brother, who was the engineer of the Manchester Ship Canal. At the age of fourteen he entered his father's office, and it was one of his chief duties to make surveys on the River Severn. He succumbed to the temptation to sketch the beauties of the scenery, and as a result obtained his father's permission to train as an artist.
Since he first exhibited at the Royal Academy some fifty years ago, Mr. Leader has produced between two and three hundred pictures, mainly of Worcestershire and Welsh scenery, and of the Surrey country, which is nowadays regarded as his special province.
From the book "Famous Paintings" Volume 2 printed in 1913.
Large files of this public domain print are available at Stock Photos at Songs of Praise
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Online "Name the Painting"
Benjamin Williams Leader
at The Victorian Web
Benjamin Williams Leader
at Wikipedia
Benjamin Williams Leader Paintings
at Art Net.com
Famous Paintings in this Series