Comments |
David's Song
Thank you, the short lesson and song to go with the topic. You sometime
lose the young kids by reading the bible story to them, but we do learn
from bible.
Bible Stories
my brothers and sister in christianity please open your eyes to the truth
god almighty does not need to begot a son for the human salvation jesus was
sent as a messenger and he is not responsible nor has any power to give u
salvation only god almighty has that power prey to god directly and ask him
to guide you he will show you the right path if you are sincere on the day
of judgment god will ask you did jesus tell you that he is god or the son
of god and you come to find all your hard work and belief has gone to waste
then it will be too late to rectify your mistake. Please refer to the Quran
verse 19 (Mary) for the truth
Francis Scott Key
this was very i gotta paint the scene franis saw from the
deck .....sigh*
oh say can u see.....
George Washington Carver
Actually most the information provided is wrong. Please revise
Webmaster's note: Please be more specific and I will research it. If there
are mistakes I will correct them. I do not want misinformation on these
Farah |
God's Exquisite Garden Inspirational Bible Lessons
Thank you for the resource that I found for my 4th grade class about
Elijah, especially the crossword puzzle. I wish that I knew about it
sooner, at least now I could have the web page for my other lessons that I
have. Thank you and may God still work in your path.
Yvonne |
thank you for this page! it was very helpful and accurate.
Sarah |
Light Iris by Georgia O'Keeffe
she is so cool.
maxx or shark |
A Beautiful World by Grandma Moses
it was awsoume. i found all i needed. i wish she was still alive so i could
meet her. she was so cool for what she did. bye......
maxx or shark |
A Beautiful World by Grandma Moses
i found everything i needed i liked it
bye grandma moses
maxx or shark |
A Beautiful World by Grandma Moses
i found alot on this page
brat |
Tiger by Ito Jakuchu
its wonderful
Song of Jonah and the Big Fish
I teach Childrens Sunday School 1-2 times a month. I have been teaching
them 4 lessons at a time to keep their attention. The full time teacher
asked me to teach and I have taught all the lessons in the book for Winter.
I Really appreaciate you providing this website to download as I think God
has his hand in it and he will provide. I went on the internet looking for
free lessons and I found yours. I appreciate and love you for providing
Gods word. It is the truth and should be taught to our children. God will
never fail. He is the Way, Truth, and the life. Our children should have
that hammered in their little heads, as they will never forget it as they
travel their paths through life. This will make an impact on Generations
to come, if God does not come soon.
Cindy Eller-Vaughn |
What a great resource! Thank you!
Mary |
Creation of the World Song
wonderful, just what I need for my small number, and does not attempt to
teach any one church or group. I will give it as many stars as could be
shown on this page.
Jessie Howell |
The Creation
God deserve to be praised all the time, he brought in existence intelligent
loving people to guide one onother.I am interested to teach kids but i had
no idea as to how to do it perfectly but through these site i am gonna be a
good teacher to my sunday school church
Veronicca Ratau - SA (Bloodriver) |
David and Jonathan
The Bible says that David tells Jonathan about his plan to hide in the
field. Not Jonathan is the one telling him to hide. It's David's
Webmaster's note: See 1 Samuel 20:19-23
Then Jonathan said to David, "Tomorrow is the New Moon;
and you will be missed, because your seat will be empty. And when you have
stayed three
days, go down quickly and come to the place where you hid on the day of the
deed; and remain
by the stone Ezel. Then I will shoot three arrows to the side, as though I
shot at a target;
and there I will send a lad, saying, 'Go, find the arrows.' If I expressly
say to the lad,
'Look, the arrows are on this side of you; get them and come' then, as the
LORD lives, there
is safety for you and no harm. But if I say thus to the young man, 'Look,
the arrows are
beyond you' go your way, for the LORD has sent you away. And as for the
matter which you and
I have spoken of, indeed the LORD be between you and me forever.
Daniel |
The Twelve Spies
this has helped me soooo much! thanks
Florence Nightingale
accutly the time i read this page was 8:46 and i was searching for this
kind of information since 6:20 and i finished by this useful page. it gave
a lot of different information about one person i did not know.
Jana |
Christopher Columbus
It was very impressive. Much larger than other sites. I like how you tell
the truth of how he did not sail to prove the wold was round, bout only for
fame and fortune!Thanks for telling it how it is!
Mickey Mouse |
Sojourner Truth
This was very informative. It provided a few facts that I haven't read
on other sites.
Dana Arthur |