Comments |
This is great! Thank you so much.
Cindy |
Creation Memory Pegs
Thank you Garden of Praise for being available to me and all of the
children in my Sabbath Bible School. This website is exactly what I been
looking for to place my group back in motion of winning young people to
Christ. The children loves these stories along with the activities that
come with it, totally free of charge. May God bless you to continue on
doing His will. Thank you!
Sister Sonya Outen |
Abraham Lincoln
Thank you for this beautiful and beneficial site. I teach sixth grade
language arts, reading, and social studies. I was browsing for materials
about Abraham Lincoln and happened upon this site. Not only does it
contain informative biographies, it also contains thought provoking
questions and activities about them. I also really appreciate a
soothing comforting background to search after a stressful day at
school. Now that I know more about it, I am sure I will visit
often. Thank you, Ann
Ann Tweedell |
Mahatma Gandhi
Very helpful page. Did not know what i was going to teach, I just got my
lesson fro tomorrow. Thanks.
Teacher |
Gideon's Song
This is good page, God bless you all for the hardwork and time you put in
to enrich the lives of children. Please send me bible stories/materials for
kids to use in our children church. Thank you.
Julie |
Martin Luther King Jr.
I thank you for putting this website on the net. I really appreciate it and
it really helped me so keep on with your successful work.
The Creation
Thank you for having this site. God has guided me here for a quick lesson
for my grandkids. I had to come up with something in 2 hours and you had
it. I hope to start a weekly Bible study with them and I am sure I will
return to this site. Please pray for me that I will be guiding them the way
God wants me to. This is a first for me teaching..and its my family. God
Rita |
God's Exquisite Garden Inspirational Bible Lessons
Praise the Lord, and i have benefited from this page it has blessed my soul
i am and youth teacher ages 13-18 years old and these lessons are great for
understanding the bible and what Jesus want of us. You are still doing the
work of the lord no matter the hill. Those that has started and good work
the Lord will make sure you finish it.
Evangelist T Jefferson |
The Baptism of Jesus
It is such a blessing to have acsess to this childens learning bible. I
just wished you had something for toddlers (2-6).
jance kelley |
Booker T. Washington
Thanks for all the useful worksheets. Saves me a lot of time and helps
focus my classes. Thanks again.
Raising of Lazarus
I thank you for thie story about Lazarus. I need to tell this story to 5
& 6 year olds and I needed a simple story. Thanks also for the
questions. You have certainly made my job easier.
roni carr |
Keyboard and Music Theory
Thank You - THANK YOU! I am working with a group of new arrivals to
Canada and find music is something they want to lern more about. It has
been hard to find free teaching aids...yours are Wonderful.
Su |
Song of Heavenl
I like this page.
Song of Heavenl
I like this page
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Thank You so much for your web site, it has been a great joy to myself and
my family. I also use it for my ( 5-8 age ) Sunday School Class. I know God
in His wisdom placed you here on earth just for me, so i would not have to
think up all this stuff with my small brain.I know my class loves it too,
again Thank You and God HAS blessed.
Evelyn dolly |