Comments |
Wilbur and Orville Wright
thanks!! this is really straight to the point :-) it would be
better if the font was a little bit smaller? haha kind of bugged my eyes
Goeun |
Louis Pasteur
Thanks soo much i had it for science it helped a LOT! (:
shoutout(sp..?) for Cherisse,Jess,Lorraine and Emma (:
karolina |
Song Arrangements
For a long time I have been dreaming of becomming a church pianist but I
could not find a teacher to help me and You have made it possible i have no
words how can i thank you
Luwith Sangma |
The Ten Commandments
Thank you for your time and effort into this website. This is very helpful
for me.
Creation of the World Song
Thank you for putting up this website, its been very helpful since for the
first time i will be teaching Sunday school
Vikki |
Miracles of Jesus
I am giving a talk in church on "tell me the stories of Jesus."
This site is great and has helped me. Thanks!
Grammar Songs
I teach special education in a public middle school near Los Angeles. Thank
you for making these resources free! I have few, fancy in class
resources. It seems we are the last in the bunch of educators to recieve
pricy items. Praise God for His creative mind that He imparts on us!
Bless you for making this available... know that God is using it to bless
Francis Scott Key
this is very informative. very nice when working on a US History project,
paper or even studying for tests
Song - The Parable of the Ten Virgins
thank you so much...the song and pictures help me in my kids sunday school
florence |
Alexander Graham Bell
this is the best website on him ever!!! it has so much
Jackie age- 12
Jacqueline |
Winston Churchill
thank you for the help
btm |
Thank you. This is the best sight I have come across. I live in Costa
Rica now and I am homeschooling a friend's child. There is not much in
English here and I am susing your website to study Bible. Thanks again and
God bless your ministry.
Maria D. Brok |
Louis Pasteur
Thanks soooooo much this was reeeeally helpful because I had to write a
huge essay!!!! Emmi
Christopher Columbus
this page was not helpful >:( :(
Bobby |
Halls, Walls, and Bulletin Boards
thanks! garden of praise!!!
giordan |
Christopher Columbus
This Website helped me with my first project of 8th grade (: it was very
helpful (:
Nae |
Keyboard and Music Theory
mau tanya nie mr.steven ..kok aku gk bisa download nie file PDF ya? kenapa
ya? aku uda coba klik kanan tapi gk ada option save target as, adanya save
page as? kenapa ya
Suhendra herman |
The Crucifixion
Very good site for teaching children. Appreciate your efforts. One comment,
we know that these are real incidents that happened. Not a story. So it
would be nice if you can change "What does this story mean to
me?" to something like "What these incidents has to do with
Binu Mathew |
Martin Luther King Jr.
bit long but really useful- thanks!! =)
Benjamin Franklin
when was the site posted?
john |