Comments |
Our Church cannot aford Sunday school books. Thank you for the beauty
lesson we can print out free.
Wanda C. |
Song of Joseph
This is great! Thank you!!
deb |
Ten Lepers
Here's a poem I wrote that relates to this wonderful story. Ron
The Bible tells the story of ten lepers,
I recall. They came with hope in Jesus and He healed them, one and
But only one of them turned back, and gave thanks on bended
knee at the feet of Christ who healed Him from his awful
Do we show a grateful heart to our Father up
above, for the blessings that He gives us, and His never ending
May the lesson of the leper be one we will always
heed as we show a grateful heart with each action, and each
by Ron Tranmer ©
Ron Tranmer |
Wednesday I am going to teach childrens church for the first time. I have
a wide variety of children in my class, I think this lesson will give all
the kids a great lesson, with interest for all ages. Just wish that there
were answers to the test. If there is could someone please let me know
where they can be found.
Amy Sue |
Sojourner Truth
Sojourner Truth was a Seventh-day Adventist.
Bible Stories
This is a great page.i appreciate your work and hope to include a link to
it from my site. God bless you for your efforts. :)
Keyboard and Music Theory
i am so much interested learning to play piano thanks for this site. i want
to learn more please send me some christian sheet music so that i can can
practice it. i will share it to my friends, may God bless you
alex |
Bible Slideshows
God bless all of you. I like this site so much, I have a request if you
have martha and Mary with Jesus in a slide show or if you have any idea how
to get the student live this story. thanks
Nina |
Ten Brothers
Hello, My name is Makenzie. I was in St.Luke before and I never really
got it. Now I just started to do home school. You really help me
understand. I wish you the best in life
Makenzie Vassar. |
Martin Luther King Jr.
thxs it really helped me with my project!!!!!
Paul Before the Governors
Agree with the other comments that a printable picture to color for each
story would be a great help.
Margaret |
Song of Bartimaeus
This is a wonderful site!
Rosa Parks
I feel as though i have learned so much. and it is a really great idea to
allow us to leave suggestions or question
Sojourner Truth
This site is alright.
Angelina |
Free Korean Bible Songs
My family and I are missionaries in Korea. I was soooo excited to see this
page when I logged on this week to work on my Sunday School Lesson this
week. Your sight has been a huge blessing to me since I found it a couple
months ago. Now to have some in Korean!!!! You will only
know the impact of this when you get to heaven. Thank you so much for
adding this. It is a blessing straight from the Lord!
Becky Kowach |
Keyboard and Music Theory
Just found your lessons and gone through those! Excellent job mate,
God Bless! :)
Christopher Columbus
I think that this sight should have a map or something to look at so that
they know where he went.
Harriet Tubman
nice this helped me a lot
cheeseninja |
Deborah Sampson
I agree with Chance
Paige |
Deborah Sampson
deborah looks like a man to me.
Chance |