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The Last Week

Jesus asked Peter and John to make preparations for the Passover meal, then he met with his disciples in the upper room that had been prepared for them. As they ate the meal Jesus told them about the things that were about to happen and blessed the bread and the cup. He told them, "Take, eat, this is my body" and "This is my blood which is shed for you". We refer to this occasion as the Last Supper or the Lord's Supper.

When they left the supper, Jesus went to the Garden of Gethsemane to pray. He knew the agony which was ahead for him and God sent an angel to comfort and strengthen him. Judas betrayed his Master and Jesus was arrested in the garden.

He was tried before Caiphas, the high priest and then before Pilate, the Roman governor. After mocking and cruel treatment Jesus was taken to a hill called Golgotha or Calvary where he crucified between two thieves.

From the cross he forgave the people who were killing him. He said, "Father, forgive them for they don't know what they are doing."

The extraordinary events surrounding the time he was dying convinced some people he really was the Son of God. When he died, the thick curtain in the Temple was torn apart, ripped from top to bottom.

When the soldiers came to break the legs of the three men on the crosses, they found Jesus was already dead. Joseph of Arimathea brought fine linen to wrap his body and gave his new tomb for the burial of Jesus.

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Thank you so much for this wonderful detail. I have seen gospel hand in a deeper dimension. This will surely enhance my ministry to children.
Flora N
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The Gospel Hand

1. Pre-Existence

2. Early Years

3. Christ's Baptism

4. Wedding Feast at Cana

5. Cleansing the Temple

6. Woman at the Well

7. Catch of Fish

8. Sermon on the Mount

9. Calming the Sea

10. Rejection and Commission

11. Feeding the 5000

12. Jesus & the Pharisees

13. Raising of Lazarus

14. The Last Week

15. Post Resurrection

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